Friday, March 27, 2009

Inspiration from Hong Kong

Claire writes: "My daughter lives in Hong Kong, and in December I went to visit her. One thing that impressed me there was the abundance of simple exercise equipment in all the parks.... and the number of people who unashamedly used them daily! The culture of exercise is well-ingrained. This photo was taken in Macao, and is representative of the fun and healthy choices... we had to try them all! Oh, and speaking of healthy choices..... there are so many Buddhist (vegan) restaurants in Hong Kong, it's way easier to eat than any other place I've traveled."


Kate said...

That is really cool! Thanks for sharing! I wish we had exercise equipment like this where I live (Salt Lake City, UT).

act22 said...

I wish this was in my office, so I could take an exercise break!

Anju said...

They have these same exercise "parks" in Shanghai ... it's mostly older people that use them though ^_^

Laura said...

That's cool, I wish we had something like that over here

wingraclaire said...

I have some more photos on my blog, and yes, I wish they had them where I live... in Wisconsin, USA!

Striving4Zen said...
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Striving4Zen said...

I saw these machines on the beach in Tel Aviv, Israel! I thought it was brilliant... America needs to catch up!

Michele Humes said...

I grew up in Hong Kong. Yeah, there is some exercise equipment in certain parks. But I can assure you that the culture of exercise is certainly -not- "well-ingrained". It's simply that nobody has cars in Hong Kong so we are forced to walk around all the time, a la New York City. Please.