Monday, June 29, 2009


Gardening delights courtesy of Lenny Dutton in Dalston, London, from I'm So Happy.

"Radish picked straight out the soil, my first one ever! First thing I have eaten from my garden:

"Radishes and mint picked from my garden:

"Add the radishes and mint, finely chopped, to yogurt/vegan yogurt and add lemon juice. SO GOOD, and amazing in the hot weather:

"Start of a plum tomato:

"My garden on the 30th of May:

"My garden on the 22nd of June:

"The huge changes! I am growing: two plum tomatoes, normal tomatoes, chilies, peppers, cucumber, marrow, peas, french beans, radishes, rocket, mixed salad, auerbegine, mint, and ginger mint!"


Ms. Dutton said...

hurrah, I'm famous!

Becky said...

Happy Gardening!
I hope you have lots more freshly grown goodies to enjoy!